What will happen if someone has updated multiple record in a day?

For most objects with date-sensitive information, only the latest update per day is stored, meaning previous updates within the same day are overwritten. However, for certain objects like assignments, each update per day is recorded separately, with a sequence number indicating the order of updates. The final record for the...

List of questions for recuritng cloud that you can ask from the client during requirement gathering

Please provide a brief description of your current recruitment process. List down the steps involved Are your current recruiting processes consistent across the organization? If not, briefly describe the variance reason Are the variances due to unique requirements based on locality, unions, geography, country, business division, special industry needs, and/or employee types?

List of learning questions that you can ask from the client during requirement gathering

How are your Admin Team responsibilities designed? Please Explain the Process of Content Upload followed in the organization. Who uploads the content to the Organisation?

List of the talent pool questions that you can ask from the client during requirement gathering

Do you use Talent Pools today? Should Talent Pools be associated with Succession Plans? What groups do you want to use Talent Pools for?

List of the performance management questions that you can ask from the client during requirement gathering

Confirm that the review period/evaluation period would be the same as Goal Management. Would XYZ use participant feedback as part of the annual performance review process? Would the Matrix Manager feature be useful for XYZ?

List of the goal management questions that you can ask from the client during requirement gathering

What would be the review period/evaluation period? Do you currently use organizational goals? Would you like to use Organization Goal? Would you like to use Goals Library?

List of the profile management questions that you can ask from the client during requirement gathering

Would you like Employees to update their Talent Profile or Skills and Qualification page via Employee Self-Service? Does XYZ use competencies currently? Would you like behaviors to be Employee-to-person profiles? What content types does XYZ want to use? Eg, Education, Language, Experience. What rating models does XYZ want to use?

Hide Delete Button in Checkin

Steps to hide the delete button from check-in document

Tips and Tricks About Sandboxes

It is advisable to ensure that your sandbox is published to the same release and patch bundle level in which it was originally created, whenever possible. This practice helps prevent potential conflicts.

Importance of Descriptive Flexfield or DFF

Descriptive flexfields are a feature that allows you to track extra information that is important and specific to your business. There are two types of segments in descriptive flexfields: global segments and context-sensitive segments. Global segments always appear in the flexfield window, while context-sensitive segments may or may not appear depending on the information entered in other parts of the form

What will happen when cancel a work relationship?

If you cancel a person's only work relationship and they have no other contact relationships, their record will still exist, but they will be marked as a canceled worker. Their record will not show up in general searches, but if you hire them again or add them as a contingent worker, nonworker, or pending worker, their existing record will be found.

Position Overview

A job, a business unit, and a department are required to create positions HR data can be defaulted which pre-populates the employee assignment – location, manager, assignment category, probation period, grade, and grade ladder

Job Overview

Jobs can be mapped to job functions, particularly in the context of recruitment. Jobs are often grouped into job families, which encompass related roles and functions. In the absence of positions, basic assignment information like full-time or part-time status can be added to job records.

What are the common area where Dynamic Skills used?

Recruiting - Skills Advisor for Candidates Recruiting - Skills Advisor for Job Requisitions Profile Management - Skills Center

How Oracle Applied Updated in the System?

Let's understand how Oracle Updates its systems. According to Oracle's update policy, updates are always applied to non-production (e.g., test) instances first, which is the first Friday of the month, and to the production instance two weeks later, which is the third Friday of the month. This approach ensures that any potential issues or bugs are identified and resolved before impacting critical production systems.

List some questions used for gathering requirements in Oracle Recruiting Cloud

When gathering requirements for Oracle Recruiting Cloud, it's essential to consider various aspects to ensure a successful requirement gathering. Here are some important questions:

What are the oracle recruiting cloud challenges during an implementation project?

Oracle Recruiting Cloud is a cloud-based solution that helps organizations streamline their recruiting processes. During an implementation project, organizations may face several challenges with Oracle Recruiting Cloud, including:

What will happen if a performance document end date is beyond the review period end date?

In Oracle Fusion HCM, when a performance document’s end date extends beyond the review period end date, it can lead to some interesting scenarios. Let’s explore what might happen:

Combination of Global HR, Recruiting Cloud, and Talent Management

If you are interested to know what is the relationship between Global HR, Recruiting, and Talent. So, Oracle Cloud HCM is a suite of applications that covers the entire employee lifecycle, from hiring to retiring. In this blog post, we will focus on three key modules of Oracle Cloud HCM: Global HR, Recruiting Cloud, and Talent Management.

Can we add the business leader more than one?

In a talent review meeting, there can be a maximum of one business leader. The business leader holds the highest managerial position within the organization for which the talent review meeting is conducted. When selecting the business leader, their organization is automatically populated and cannot be altered. Additionally, the business leader is